Top 30 motivational quotes by Thomas Edison for motivation

Thomas Edison is a successful person and many people inspired by his thoughts, here we share some thoughts or motivational quotes by Thomas Edison.                                                                                                                 

Motivational quotes by Thomas Edison to motivate you.

Thomas Edison quotes

(1)  There is no substitute for hard work.

(2) I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work.

(3)  In order to invent, you need to find a good idea out of a pile of garbage.

(4) Our greatest weakness is to give up.

(5) The surest way to succeed is to always try one more time.

(6) Most people miss opportunities in their life because it looks like work.

(7) Whoever you are will be reflected in your work, you don't need to be told separately.

(8) The main function of our body is to move the mind around.

(9) If we do everything we think we can't do, we will literally surprise ourselves.

(10) Truly nature is wonderful, only man is dishonest.

(11) Almost everyone who develops an imagination works on it until it seems impossible, and then gets frustrated where it shouldn't.

(12) I take pride in the fact that I never invented weapons.

(13) Many people who fail in life are those who do not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

(14) Being busy doesn't really mean being at work all the time.

(15) I find my greatest happiness and my reward in what the whole world calls success.

(16) I find out what the world needs, then I go ahead and try to invent it.

(17) I didn't work for a single day in my life, it was all just a fun game.

(18) The weak man considers everything impossible while the courageous man is ordinary.

(19) To achieve anything in life these three things are very important hard work, perseverance, and common sense.

(20) I start from where the last person left off.

(21) It is better to do something than to wait, even if you fail.

(22) Whatever the human mind can make, the human character can also control.

(23) A person gets more opportunities than he has.

(24) Your value is not in what you have but in what you are.

(25) I attribute all my success to the fact that there was never a clock at my workplace.

(26) Whatever is not sold, I would not like to invent it.

(27) Go ahead only when there is going to be a result and move forward until victory is achieved.

(28) We will make electricity so cheap that only rich people will light candles.

(29) You show me a completely satisfied person and I will show you a failed person.

(30) Nonviolence leads to the highest morality that is the goal of evolution. We are wild until we stop harming other living beings, simply because a thing doesn't do what you created it for. That doesn't mean he's useless.

(31) The person who achieves everything, instead of waiting, keeps on working even in adverse conditions.

(32) If you want a great idea, think a lot.

Short biopic on Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was a great American inventor and businessman. Edison developed many devices, including the phonograph and the electric bulb, which made a huge difference in the lives of people around the world. Edison, who has 1093 patents in America alone, is counted among the greatest inventors in the world.

At school, young Edison was confused and his teacher Reverend Ingle called him a "disturbed student ". And almost 3 months Edison spent in school. Later his mother started teaching Edison at home. At the age of 12, Edison started helping the family with a dollar a day by doing business selling fruits and newspapers. He would print letters and conduct scientific experiments on the railways.

By the age of 20, having mastered telegraph transmission, Edison worked as a telegraph worker. Edison used to spend the time left to earn a living in experiments and tests. Edison bought chemicals from a local dispensary with the total savings and collected bottles, wires, and other items of use. 

When he was ten years old, he had built a science laboratory on the ground floor of his building. In his life, Edison said that his mother was a great contributor to his success. He taught himself by continuous study and repetition of experiments. He had never taken admission in any technical school or university. His parents had developed in him an inclination towards good literature and history.

After studying the book, Thomas Edison Edison not only did all the experiments given in the book but also developed an interest in chemistry. An interesting thing about Edison is that he was expelled from school for saying that Edison was retarded.

It is in the year 1862 when he saved the station master's child from dying in a train accident. The station master was very pleased with this feat of Edison and he promised to teach Edison the telegraph. Edison learned the telegraph from this person and in 1868 he got his first patent on the telegraph. In the same year, he invented the vote recording machine.

On the basis of Edison's telegraphic theory, microphones and fax machines came into existence. The carbon microphone used in the receiver of the telephone was an invention of Edison, which continued to be used for a whole hundred years. But Edison's most famous invention is undoubtedly the Electric Bulb.

Why Thomas Alva Edison wrote in his diary “A great mother made an intellectually weak child the great scientist of the century.

Thomas Alva Edison studied in Primary School. One day he came home and gave a paper to his mother and said – “teacher has given it”, after reading the paper, tears came into the eyes of the mother. Edison asked his mother - "What is written in it, mother?" Wiping tears, the mother said - "

It is written in it that your son is very intelligent, our school is of low level, and the teacher is also not very trained, so we cannot teach it. Now teach it yourself." Many years later the mother passed away, then Edison had become a famous scientist and had made many great inventions like the phonograph and the electric bulb.

One day in his spare moments he was looking at his old memorabilia. Then he saw an old letter in a corner of the cupboard and curiously opened it and looked at it. This was the same letter that Edison's teacher had given him in childhood. It was written in it that your child is mentally weak (intellectually very weak), do not send him to school now. Edison cried for several hours and then wrote in his diary – “A great mother made an intellectually weak child the great scientist of the century.

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